Open House Webinar

Pain Coach Academy

March 27th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm pacific

March 28th 9:00 – 10:00 am pacific

The first ½ hour will be dedicated to our Health and
Wellness program and our Group Coaching program

The second ½ hour will be dedicate to our Advanced Pain Coaching program and our Motivational Interviewing program.

Sign Up Below

Health and Wellness Coaching

1/2 hour Overview

Our training course for health and wellness coaching includes an emphasis on helping people with chronic pain. You will learn motivational interviewing (MI) skills from experienced chronic pain coaches that bring current real-world experience to the classroom.

Each class is purposely kept small to facilitate engagement through group discussion and interaction. This is an online course designed to prepare students for the

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) exam.

Our program provides you with comprehensive health and wellness tools and resources, coaching skills with an emphasis on pain management through education, practice, and mentoring during a 17-week online course using the Zoom platform. TCC®U faculty includes experienced health and wellness coaches, who specialize in coaching for pain management.

Education combines health coaching skills and best practices with specific attention to working with pain clients. To complete the course, students must pSub-headlineass a comprehensive exam and a practicum of recorded calls.

Group Coaching

This course offers an opportunity to grow and become more well-rounded in your skill set by learning the art of group coaching. Group coaching has so many benefits for clients and is a great way to expand your coaching practice.

In this 3 1/2-week course you will learn how to apply your one-on-one skills to a group session, how to get started with a group of clients, skills to use in group session, how to use group sessions to introduce educational topics while remaining non-directive.

Advanced Pain Coach Training

1/2 hour Overview

This program will dive deep into what it means to be a pain coach. It’s an intensive 12 week program that is a mix of education and practical application of chronic pain that meets twice a week. You will benefit by having instructors who are also coaches and work with pain clients every day.

The first class every week (2 hours long) will be a structured class that covers coaching and pain topics. The second class every week (1 hour long) will be group coaching training and will be student-led. Development of skills will include how to effectively coach one on one with a pain client and how to lead groups of pain clients with plenty of role play and mentor feedback.

Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which qualifies for 36 NBHWC board approved CEU’s (CE-000014-1) if you are already an NBC-HWC. You will receive your Certified Pain Management Coach (CPMC) certificate from TCCU after graduating from this course and passing your NBHWC exam.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is often used to help people change their behaviors when facing addiction and chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, to name a few.

Motivational interviewing is a good tool for people experiencing anger and/or hostility about their situation. It can help them move through emotional stages to find what is needed to motivate them to change. In this course you will be learning the skills and strategies of MI along with practical applications for your clients.

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