Guided Vision:
A Mentorship Journey for Coaches

"Guided Vision: A Mentorship Journey for Coaches" is a course designed to help coaches achieve new levels of mastery through a combination of mentoring and visioning. The program will:

  • Address the challenges you come across as you develop your coaching skills.

  • Help you grow in confidence and fully comprehend your life mission as it relates to coaching.

  • Uncover, develop and deepen your coaching strengths.

  • Build a solid foundation for a vision-centered coaching practice, focused on purpose and meaning.

Pain Coach Academy Mentors:

  1. Expertise: Our mentors are advanced NBC-HWC-certified and Certified Pain Management Coaches.

  2. Experience: They have extensive experience coaching clients with chronic pain, a particularly challenging demographic.

  3. Proven Approach: Their expertise is built through years of trial and error, research-based strategies, and guidance from their own mentors.

Course Structure:

  1. Visioning Session: Start with a one-on-one visioning session where you and your mentor will create a powerful vision to clarify your purpose and strengths in coaching.

  2. Mentored Sessions: After the visioning session, you’ll engage in six one-on-one mentoring sessions based on your recorded coaching calls, receiving personalized feedback and guidance.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the coach will be able to:

  • Aligned with their coaching strengths and values and have a clear vision of their coaching purpose

  • Confident and proficient in best practices of motivational interviewing, positive psychology and stages of change

  • Grounded in their body during coaching sessions and able to experience deep listening

More information:

  • Method of evaluation Work in this course is monitored through a coaching rubric that is based on 20 measures of coaching mastery within the categories of structure and flow. In order to pass the course, students must pass at least one call with a score of 3.5/5.

  • Number of ce’s (1 per hour): 7

  • Actual number of instructional hours: 7

  • Is this course taught by subject matter experts? Yes



Coaching credentials and experience:

Paul Curtis is an NBC-HWC and Certified Pain Management Coach with 10+ years of experience in coaching

Roxanne Laush is an NBC-HWC with 4+ years of coaching experience

Jaerene Robinson is a Member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and a Certified alcohol and drug counselor with 5+ years of coaching experience

Jim Murphy is an NBC-HWC and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Dena DePiazza is an NBC-HWC, Certified Pain Management Coach with 6+ years of coaching experience

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